I am currently trying to add my notes from most of my classes to this blog to share with all of you. I received a lot of help from other websites while I was at school, so I thought to give something back.

Hope you enjoy it!

1.1: Definitions

ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT: Interconnection of electrical elements and symbols. They divide into:

a) Passive: Cannot generate energy

  • Resistor (R) - [Ohms]
  • Capacitor (C) - [Farads]
  • Inductor (L) - [Henries]
b) Active: May or may not generate/supply energy
  • Voltage (V) - [Volts]
  • Current (I) - [Amps]

Important definitions in circuits go as follows:

Resist flow of current.

It is the movement or flow of charge (1.602x10^-19 Coulombs) in a circuit.
Current is derived as:
i (t) = dq/dt (amps)

Energy required to move a unit of charge through an element.
Voltage is derived as:
V = dw/dq (volts)

Time rate of expanding or absorbing energy.
Power is derived as:
P = dw/dt or current (I) x voltage (V) (watts)

  • Absorbed power: when current enters a positive terminal.
  • Supplied power: when current enters a negative terminal.

Determine the amount of power absorbed or supplied if:
1) Voltage = 8V and Current =-3A
-> Power = VxI = 8V x -3A = -24W supplied

Power derived from the utilization of physical resources.
Energy is derived as
Integration [ Pdt]

a) Charge is not created or destroyed only transformed.
b) Total energy or power supply to a circuit must equal total energy/power absorbed.

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